Monday, October 4, 2010

"PROJECT A DAY" for the month of October, Day 4!

Good morning! 
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  My weekend was filled with a HUGE Blog hop (click here) to see, ziplining through the redwoods with friends and family and last but not least church!  good times! 

this was after 7 ziplines, 2 suspension bridges, a spiral staircase suspended in a redwood tree, then repel off the top of this redwood tree!  FUN FUN FUN!!!

Now on to the card...***Disclaimer*** this was my first attempt to do any welding on my gypsy...not as easy as it looks!

Happy Hauntings Cart
Coffin cut and welded at 3 x 5.15 each
coffin (black behin grey) layer cut 3.20 x 5.35
dracula (purple layer) cut 2.89 x 3.55
dracula cut 2.24 x 3.55
Scrappy Mom Stamps
white pen




Banner Market said...

FANG-tastic! Love this little vampire image and your card turned out so cute!
What a fun weekend adventure you had. Zip lining scared the crap oout of me, we did this in Hawaii, I was a good sport but will never do it again lol! YIKES! My fear of hights is to strong lol..Have a great day!

Scrappy Mel said...

Wow! You are adventurous!! :)

Cute card!! I totally agree about welding shapes! I have tried a few that I finally just gave up on because they were to unsymetrical to line up! LOL

You did a nice job on this one! :)

I've Moved to a NEW BLOG! Ink Ink Stamp!

Hello!  I've moved to a new blog  Ink Ink Stamp!